WEBISODES, has been in discussion, the "let's do it" stages for at least a year now, and it's begining to take shape, come together, actually become a reality!!! THANK YOU LORD!!
As some know UC, has been growing by leaps and bounds..I'm sorry by the HAND OF GOD! We now are doing three (3) UCs this year!! WOW!!! We had one in April at Trinity Baptist Church, in Hopkinsville, and as always CASIE AND COMPANY did an eXcellent job!! We have one coming up in July ...the 11th at New Hope Baptist Church in Cadiz KY! And we will, LORD WILLING, have one around Madisonville in the fall...
Now WEBISODES!! We have video clips of some UCs posted on the website. They are actual footage of the game in progress!! My favorite is short and sweet..it's called GAME OVER!!
These webisodes will be a different "volume" from the games we play. It is based on the fact Government has outlawed our freedom to worship (like our game), but will be from the perspective of a family that has seen and is experiencing this for themselves...
These webisodes will be a different "volume" from the games we play. It is based on the fact Government has outlawed our freedom to worship (like our game), but will be from the perspective of a family that has seen and is experiencing this for themselves...
SHOOOOT! I have gave away ...way too much already! MUMssss
So be in much prayer, that this NEW avenue of Ministry, that we remember, that we are NOT doing this for US, but are doing it to "point" others to JESUS CHRIST before it is everlasting too late!!
So be in much prayer, that this NEW avenue of Ministry, that we remember, that we are NOT doing this for US, but are doing it to "point" others to JESUS CHRIST before it is everlasting too late!!
We have some webisodes already written, and are starting to prepare and plan for the filming of these webisodes!
Til Next Time Remember
One Day Closer!!